Sunday, September 30, 2012

What Do I Do With The Leftovers?

So the last two posts have been about liquids (chicken stock, and potato soup), so this one is going to be about what you do with the leftovers (if there are any).

The answer (according to me) has to do with your intentions down the road. If you think you are going to eat it within a few days then just throw it in the fridge. I recommend storing it in glass but use what you can.

If it is going to be a while before you are going to use it then it is off to the freezer.

Next question is how you will use it when you need it. The two options here are in bulk (a pot full) or individual servings, for portions, lunches etc.

For the bulk packaging, I put 4 cups at a time into double bagged freezer bags. This gives me frozen portions exactly equal to the boxes of chicken stock you find at the store. (You can find the quart boxes for $3/box, my bags are closer to .75/bag...)

For portions, I use a Demarle Muffin Pan. These make 1/2 cup (4oz) soup pucks. These are very useful for lunch portions for soup, or sick portions for the chicken stock. Fill the cups with liquid (soup or stock) and transfer to the freezer. Two of these portions equal the 1cup portions mini boxes you find at the store. These are about $4 for a four pack or $1 per cup. My stock is less than .20 per cup.

When the "pucks" are frozen solid, then I transfer 4 at a time into a quart size freezer bag and store them for later.

I put soup "pucks" in a bowl and reheat, or the stock "pucks" in a cup and give them to whoever is sick :)

It is soooooo nice to have a freezer full of food ready to go at anytime.

If you have any questions about anything you see here let me know...

If you have not seen Demarle products before or are looking for something specific (like the Muffin Pans shown above), follow this link.

If you want more great Gluten/Dairy/Soy free recipes, then stay tuned :)

In the spirit of full disclosure, I am eating the bowl of soup shown above as I type, so if I seem distracted it is because it tastes even better than it looks :)

Stay Hungry!

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