Saturday, January 17, 2009

A new year

Sorry for the long delay, has been quite a new year so far. All in the house have taken their turn with this nasty stomach bug, not a flu but might as well be. We have all been down for at least 6 days each. Triann and the kids are just finishing their round now so we are slowly coming back to life. phew...

It is very customary to make a new year resolution. Setting your mind to do something different in the new year. This has not been a big deal for us in the past but we both took an interesting twist on it this year. Rather than resolving to do something physical (diet, exercise etc) we have both had the strong feeling that this is going to be a great year. I don't think it is something we have to do, but rather something we are supposed to expect or look for. So I guess we have resolved to change our perspective. I think that makes sense. Glass half full, lemon-aid from lemons etc.

Looking back at our past we can see all sorts of "bad" things that have happened to us, but couldn't we also say that each of those bad things brought us something good, or taught us something about ourselves and our faith? All of these things we can look back at now and see how we benefited from them. Emily with her disability, job losses and moves, the fire, our financial situation, Triann's health, my health... all of these were "bad" but all have brought us incredible gifts and lessons as well.

Our resolution for this year is to look for that gift and receive it in real time instead of having to look back to see them. I feel strongly, as does Triann, that God has incredible blessings for us this year and we are ready to receive them.

1 comment:

Kim and Kris said...

this could only be written by a BELIEVER! You honor God with your heart. You love him with your life. Thank you for shining...