Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Here we go again...

Well, not doing so good keeping up with this. Life has been pretty hectic but good. Triann is up to 8 pills a day now and is very tired but is doing well. I don't know if anyone is actually surprised by that. She is an amazing woman. Just a summary for those new to this. Triann had her adrenal tumor removed in October and we had a visit to MD Anderson cancer center in Houston in November. At that time they took a full body scan. That scan by itself doesn't tell the doctors anything until they have another one to compare it to. So on the 24th of this month (February) we head back down again to have the next scan. With this one they can compare the two and find out if there is cancer anywhere else in her body or if it is gone.

So here we are. It has been a bit of a roller coaster since the initial hospital visit on our anniversary and I think we are coasting right now. Neither of us know whether to say "Triann has cancer" or "Triann had cancer". Other than the fact that the pills are kicking her butt, (making her tired and nauseous), you wouldn't know by looking at her that anything is wrong. And maybe nothing is... it is a weird place to be. Honestly I have not spent much time worrying about the next visit to Houston, even though if the scan comes back showing anything we will be right back in the thick of it. I guess that God is giving both of us peace about this whole thing, and for that I am thankful.

The trip is already starting to come together. My mom is flying down to go with us to Houston and help with the kids, and a co-worker has given us hotel points to use for a room while we are there. We are desperately trying to put funds away to cover gas and food, but I know that the finances will work out also. It is pretty amazing how God works in our lives, even with the things that must be trivial to him.

So here we go again, heading South, trusting God and waiting to see what is next.


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