Monday, October 20, 2008

The Morning After

I never was a big club guy... I did go out with the boys once in a while, usually ended up at a place with a good pool table or dart board and there we would stay. Having some beer's laughing, telling stories and usually heading home late into the night. I can remember the next morning, trying to get out of bed, stumbling to the shower and spending most of the day promising myself I wouldn't do it again on a work night...

For those of you that don't have time for all that activity but still want to experience the morning after let me recommend children.

Let's look at last night as an example. My 2 year old Daniel woke up at 11pm as I was headed to bed. This was an easy one, warm milk, back rub and back to sleep. Off to bed I went. At 1am Daniel came into our room, turned on the light and requested more milk. I stumbled to the kitchen, got the milk changed his pants and everyone went back to sleep again. Fast forward (not very far) to 3am and repeat. Makes you wonder if I could save any time by just pouring the milk into his diaper and cut out the middle man...

At 5am he decided he was done sleeping (I would argue he was done much earlier, say at 1 year old) so off we went to the tv room. This is where I play my game. I think to myself that if I sit with him in the recliner and put on one of the shows he likes to watch like Wow Wow Wubzy, Max and Ruby or Blues Clues (I can't complain too much, I remember barney and the tele tubbies) he will fall to sleep and we can both get some rest. As usual nothing doing, which leads to the tragedy of me actually watching the shows. Instead we were off to the kitchen for an orange, an apple (peeled of course) and some chocolate milk.

That brings us to right now. I have to stumble out of the chair, get Emily ready for school and do all I can to try and stay awake at work.

In all it probably is a better deal. Cheaper, much less nausea and at least half the calories of a typical night out. Still I try to tell myself I won't do it again :O


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