Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Best Laid Plans...

There have been a lot of "God Moments" during our latest adventure. One of them involved my folks. Dad had a meeting in Houston scheduled for the week after Hurricane Ike rolled through. The plan was for the folks to come to our place early, go to the meeting in Houston then come back and hang out again for another long weekend. Dad was called 15 minutes before his flight and told that the meeting was off and would be rescheduled for a later date. We were all devastated as we hadn't seen them for a long time.

After Triann's ordeal started we were starting to line up friends and family to come and stay with us and help with the kids. As this was going on dad found out that the meeting was rescheduled for the week of Nov 10th, so Mom decided to come down on the 31st and stay until after dads meeting. Friday we found out that Triann's appointment at MD Anderson is scheduled for the 3rd of November. So now Mom will be here and be able to come to Houston with us to help watch the kids while Triann is at her appointment. She might even be able to scout out the hot spots in Houston to show dad the next week.

Now I am by no means implying that God sent the hurricane just so my folks could be here when we really needed them, but I am saying it is absolutely amazing how He can use terrible things for good. Maybe I'll talk about that for just a second... One part of our faith that we are holding onto strongly is that there is some reason for this outside of us. I do not believe that God causes bad things to happen in the world, but I do believe with everything that I am that he uses these things for good. Could there be a family out there that has been hit by crisis after crisis and is ready to give up, could we be in a place where we can give them encouragement and comfort? Are there people reading about our situation that don't know Christ and are wondering why in the world we aren't completely loosing it, could they decide to ask folks that they know are Christians where we are getting our hope and strength from?

I would trade this situation in a heartbeat, but if it is what we have to go through then how much easier is it to walk through if we know that He is in charge and He has a plan. I can't promise you that I feel brave all of the time, but I can tell you that in the moments when I feel the most fear and panic, it is my faith in Him that brings me back.



Jeff said...

Eric, you are truly an inspiration to me and quickly becoming one of my all time favorite super heroes! :)

Keep the faith brother! God will continue to reveal his plan for you and your family.

Yours in Christ,


Christina Lane | The Sometimes Crafter said...

I absolutly belive that things happen for a reason (be they by God or other means). We may not always know the plan now, or in a week, month or even a year, but through time those reasons become clearer. This is something I believed with my dad's death and still believe. It was hard to lose him, but there was a reason and each year I get a little clearer view of why.