Saturday, October 25, 2008

Wife Swap

Wife Swap is a show where they take the wives from 2 families that usualy couldn't be any more opposite and swap them for the week. The show is then about how the family adapts to how the stand in mother runs the house. That is what it has been like at the Benson house lately. Since Triann went into the hospital we have had different friends and family staying with us to help Triann with the kids. Triann is unable to open a pill bottle right now let alone pick up the kids or keep after them so we have to have someone here while I am at work. Now before I get to far I want to be perfectly clear that it has been an absolute blessing to have these folks visiting. Their help and company has been invaluable during this crazy time. With that being said, it has brought some pretty funny moments along the way as well.

It goes without saying that everyone has their own idea of how a kitchen should be put together. As of today my kitchen has been completely reorganized 3 times. Now if anyone knows us well they are aware that our kitchen was not organized to begin with. Triann and I are functioning mess-aholics (Hi I'm Eric). Many people don't understand that the popcorn seasoning should be placed next to the water cups, or that peanuts fit best next to the wine glasses. I have to admit that I think I like the new kitchen better, seems easier to find things and I never knew we had that much counter space.

The other thing that changes every week is the refridgerator. Each week it reflects the tastes of the people that are staying with us. Different fruits and vegetables, different beverages, different meats etc. The kids and I have been eating like royalty, sit down dinners almost every night and usualy pretty healthy also. Has been good for the kids to try new foods as well. Our current helpers brought their live in housekeeper with them and she won't let anyone near the kitchen, or the laundry room. I think our house is cleaner today than it was the day we moved in. Pretty amazing, it's like I am living in a one week episode of the Brady Bunch.

The kids have been having a blast playing with all kinds of new kids from folks staying with us to people bringing their kids over when they visit. It has been really good for them and great for me to see them having so much fun after seeing them stressed out when mom was gone for 2 weeks. Having a hard time keeping my thoughts in order right now, I am watching emily play the Wii Fit with her friends that are over here now (nothing quite as funny as watching someone do the hula hoop on the Wii Fit)

All in all it has been pretty amazing what freinds are willing to do. It blows me away that folks are willing to break away from their lives to come down here and help us. I don't think we can completely express how much this and all the other amazing thing folks have done have meant to us durring this time.

As amazing as all of this has been I can't wait to "swap" back to Triann

1 comment:

Triann Benson said...

Ditto. It has been amazing - and don't get used to how sparkling clean the floors are =)
I also look forward to swapping back, but in the meantime I am SO thankful for the amazing help! And how organized everything is. It will be so much easier to stay on top of things when I get back to being myself again.