Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I hit the wall last night. Part of it was probably teaching class yesterday, that always leaves me a bit worn out, but I am guessing a lot of it was the stress and lack of rest over the last 3 weeks. Triann went into the hospital again yesterday, she was feeling dizzy and it wouldn't go away. Lexi (a dear friend and er nurse) has been staying with us this week and she took Triann into the ER. It sounded like they were concerned with her blood pressure (100/50) and ran tests all day to rule out all the obvious reasons like internal bleeding or any lung issues and came to the end of the day with no issues. I came home after work and found that Belinda from Triann's Bible study at Preston Trails was here watching the kids. About 20 minutes later Lexi pulled up in the van and Triann was not with her. That is when we found out that she was staying and that is when I hit the wall.

I can't really justify why, I knew that she was in good hands and Lex said she wasn't in pain. I talked to her after that and she was frustrated that she was there again. I am not sure it was such a bad thing, things had been a bit chaotic at the house with the kids acting up, I am guessing because they are just unsure what is going on.

I think I was just out of gas from 3 weeks of little sleep, stressed out kids, stressed out adults and worrying about my wife. I had gone through a bit earlier in the day worrying about finances and had consciously taken a step back and handed it off to God. I felt almost an immediate peace. I can't explain why I wasn't able to do that later in the day at home, but I couldn't. I literally sat down with the Emily at the dinner table talked with her about her day and then just floated through the house talking with Belinda who was still there feeding the kids and cleaning up after them and then walked her to the door. I read the kids a book, put them to bed and sat down in my chair. I woke up at 1, had a banana and went to bed. I woke up this morning at 8:30 in a panic, only to find out that Lexi had taken Emily to school and everything was ok.

7 and 1/2 hours... the longest sleep I can remember even before Triann went into the Dr. It is fairly amazing how our body works, completely burned out and numb to the world to awake and ready to take it all on again with just a good nights rest. I know that God is in control of all of this and like He promised He gives us just what we need when we need it. In this case a real good recharge.


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