Tuesday, November 11, 2008

13 Years in a Nutshell

Triann and I signed up for Facebook yesterday at the recommendation of many friends. It has been amazing finding folks we haven't seen forever. So here is a quick run down of the last 13 years.

Triann and I were married in September 1995 right after I returned from a year touring with Captive Free South Central. We moved 2 days later to Abilene Kansas to take a job as a youth director. While there I joined the volunteer fire department and was then hired as a police officer in Abilene.

Triann wasn't real crazy about the police thing so after about a year and a half of putting up with it we moved back to the NorthWest and I started driving for Fedex. Went from that to a brief stint at a hobby shop selling and racing RC cars then started working with my dad operating heavy equipment (probably my favorite job ever!). I went from there to selling conveyor belt and in 2002 a friend encouraged me to jump into the mortgage industry and that is where I have been ever since.

I started in a branch in Portland, OR working for Aames Home Loan. Aames was acquired by Accredited Home Lenders and we moved to San Diego, CA in March 07 to work at their headquarter building. I was laid off in August 07 and started working for JP Morgan Chase in November 07. We moved to Plano TX in June of this year to work at Chase's Irving location.

Our family has grown as well. Emily Rose Benson was born on December 26, 2001 and Daniel Lloyd Benson was born on February 27, 2006.

That's it in a nutshell

I am really enjoying catching up with old friends and looking forward to building those relationships.

If you know how to use Facebook look us up


1 comment:

Mark & Deidra Smith said...

You forgot to list, "Met Mark Smith in 2006." I know that was a monumental occasion for you.