Friday, November 14, 2008

Waiting again.

Back in the same waiting room I wrote about last month, now without the Halloween decorations. I was thinking about how much fun Triann and I are having re connecting with folks on face book. As usual, my head starts digging for a reason for the need to re connect. I mean if I never dis connected I would not need to re connect.

Am I alone? Is this a guy thing or do I secretly enjoy the thrill of finding people 10 years later rather than sharing in their life during that time. And we aren't talking about casual friends, I am hooking up again with folks from LBI that I used to spend most of my waking hours with. These are the guys and gals that helped shape who I am today, music preferences, movies, tv shows, authors, moral values, humor etc. We would stay up and laugh about nothing. Cram into a room and play silly video games into the morning. "Study" for a big exam as a group. Worship, pray and grow together. But I haven't talked to any of them for 14 years.

Its not just this group of good friends, I don't think I have talked to anyone from high school since around graduation, haven't talked to anyone from kansas since we moved. There are only a handful of all the incredible friends I had in San Diego that I have talked to since we left.

The only folks I have kept up with are some of the people from our young married group in vancouver.

I can't think of any wise or funny parallel to life or faith. I really am puzzled and frustrated by this. I have not just met, but have been good friends with some of the most incredible people that God has placed on this earth and have just discarded them.

I have thought about it through the years, wondering where they ended up and making lame attempts to reach out, but never re connecting or bringing them back into my life. I think I have lost something because of that, years of friendship that cannot be replaced.

So I apologize, to my friends past present and future and also to myself for all the years lost. Don't know that I can say it won't happen again, because I don't know why it happens in the first place. But the fun I have had in the last few days have made me really think about how to fix this going forward.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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