Saturday, November 29, 2008


One of the traditions in the Benson house was for dad to make the stuffing and put the turkey in late wed night then head back to bed. Waking up to the smell of roasting turkey was always a highlight. As time went on I was. able to help dad cook and always looked forward to it.

I have been away from home for six thanksgivings. One when I was on team, three in Kansas, one in San Diego and now one in Dallas. This is the first year I have actually cooked a turkey. As with most things, I decided to do it a little different. I only bought a 5lb breast since it was just us and I decided to smoke it on the Treager grill rather than roasting it. So instead of stuffing the bird the night before, I put the breast into a brine. I put the turkey on at 7:00 Thursday morning and let it smoke for 6 hours. Since it was just us we decided what our favorite sides were and ended up with stuffing, potatos, green bean casserole, corn, roles and sweet potato's. We ate around 2 and sure enjoyed our food. I don't know if it was the best that we had ever had, but it was the first that we had done on our own and in light of all that has gone on recently it was sure nice to sit as a family and think about all that I am thankful for.

Trianns health... I love my wife and have loved her since the day I met her 16 years ago but it is amazing how that feeling is refined and clarified when you realize how quickly things could change. I was forced to think about life without Triann. It was terrifying to say the least. I am learning to enjoy each day and for that I am thankful

My health... I just started taking the remicaid infusions and for the first time in I don't remember how long I don't hurt. Its as if the clock rolled back 10 years.

Our finances... I have been dreading our financial future. Folks have been incredibly generous and have helped us through this time, but I could not see an end to it and couldn't imagine having to spend the rest of my life with my hand out. We are not out of the woods yet, but we were directed to a program by the Scottish Rite Hospital that will pay for all of Emily's medical expenses not covered by insurance. This will include supplies, prescriptions, co-pays etc. We will find out more about this in the coming weeks. In addition we found out that while the injections I can give myself are 700 every two weeks, if I go into the office and get a 3 hour infusion every 6 weeks it will be covered under a 30 dollar office co-pay. Triann still has expenses and life happens, but with those two major expenses possibly under control I can see light at the end of the tunnel.

My faith... I have learned through this last year (fire, job loss, relocation, Triann"s health) that God is watching out for us. Folks will ask how I can say that when terrible things happen to us. I will answer that God does not cause the awful things to happen, but he gives us the strength and ability (through ourselves and others) to get through these things.

I have a million other things as well, but this has turned into a novel already. Suffice it to say that I love my life and look forward to another year of adventures and opportunity's.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

Jody Benson; Clark County Horse said...

That's my son! Pretty awesome, isn't he.