Monday, November 3, 2008

A good day

We made it last night around 9:15 after a nice dinner at the Cracker Barrel. I love that place. Good food, not great but consistent and I love walking through the gift shop. Candies I remember as a kid, music I listened to growing up and dvd's of shows I used to love. Its just like going to grandmas if grandma lived in a 15000 sq foot house just off the freeway, had 35 rocking chairs and giant sized checker games on her porch, made most of her money selling candies and nick nacks out of her front room and regularly invited 100's of random people over dinner. (Disclaimer- this was a quickly created thought process and not intended to represent any actual grandmas, if your grandma did meet all of the qualifications above no offense was intended by the author or any of his friends or family. If considering legal action against the author for slander against your grandmother please read previous posts regarding the financial situation of the author and consider a donation to the author for at least the amount of your proposed claim)

Ok that's out of my system. I think most of the random thoughts are due to my discomfort sitting here in the waiting room at MD Anderson with Triann. A whole new round of emotion came creeping in when we walked into the hospital. I think one of Gods gifts is distraction. We have all been able to focus on life the last week or so. working through finances, schedules, home, work, halloween etc. Not much distracting us right now from the reality of where we are and what we are here to do.

I don't think that is all bad, thinking about reality, its just not fun. I can't be the only person that feels that way. Look at the number of fiction books vs. Non fiction. Or the number of movies folks watch. Video games, television, all ways to distract us from life. One deeper thought that is sneaking in my mind, is that if the gravity of this situation didn't smack me right between the eyes, would Gods peace and hope have as much significance?

Something for me to ponder today. It is beautiful outside, my beautiful wife is sitting next to me and my God will get us through this.
It's a good day.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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