Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Which way is up?

Back in town now and trying to get back into life. Triann is doing it well, I am not at all. I am tired and have not been sleeping well. I am worried about Triann and don't like the fact that she has to do this on her own. That isn't entirely true, I know that I can and will support her, but I can't help her swallow those pills or help her keep her lunch down. This is the person that I love more than anything in the world, the person I have spent the last 13 years with, the person who has born 2 children with me and I am now stuck just watching. And praying. Both for her and her health and also for the health of our family. I really think that she is dealing with this better than I am and I don't think I realized that until I wrote it just now.

So, time to take a deep breath, know that God is in control of all of this and that he will get us through it according to his plan.

Triann and I both put Facebook pages up this weekend. Still not entirely sure what it is, but if you know look us up.

Will try to get my thoughts cleared up a bit and get something else up here this week, but this is all I have right now.

Off to bed.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The thing about difficult situations is that you can be dragged through them with agitation, or you can walk, head high, through them with hope. The former will tire you and leave you empty. The latter will allow you to live through the difficult time while still allowing yourself to be filled with the OTHER gifts God is bringing you. Try to remember to focus on the Good. There is still so much Good. Too much to count. God Bless you. Prayers for strength on your journey. It is a very steep hill to climb. But with Him, you can do it.